in Blog, on Mike's Mind, 📔 Journail

Today, I’ve got a funny story that you’ll truly enjoy. It’s 8 AM, I’m driving my six-year-old daughter Nadia to her school, and she’s sitting in the backseat coming up with the funniest and most imaginative answers to my questions. Let me take you through our hilarious drive.

Every morning, it’s my job to drive Nadia to school. Today’s ride turned into an adorable, laughter-filled adventure. I asked her an innocent question, “Why do the bus drivers go on strike?” and Nadia, with all sincerity, replied, “Because they wanna go bowling.” This set the tone for a truly memorable conversation.

Mike’s voice recording that was the input for AI to write this ‘journail’ entry

The Strike Debate

Mike: Strike. Who has a strike?
Nadia: Me.
Mike: Are you going on strike?
Nadia: Yeah.
Mike: Really? Why?
Nadia: Because I want to go on strike.

Intrigued by her response, I pressed further to understand her concept of a strike.

Mike: Okay. What does it mean again to go on strike?
Nadia: To wait for the bus.
Mike: No, I mean in general, not just for the bus drivers. What does it mean?
Nadia: They want something. Yes.
Mike: And what do they usually want?
Nadia: Bowling.

Bowling? Who knew bus drivers were such bowling enthusiasts! The conversation escalated into a delightful back-and-forth about strikes and demands.

Boogers and Burgers

The discussion on strikes took an unexpected and funny turn when boogers and burgers entered the mix.

Mike: Bowling? They want to go bowling. That’s why they go on strike. Really?
Nadia: Yeah.
Mike: Boogers? Yuck! From beggars to boogers. That’s gross.
Nadia: Yeah. They’re boogers. Boogerballs.
Mike: Boogerballs? That is super gross. Are you making those boogerballs sometimes?
Nadia: No, booger hamburgers.

Imagining booger hamburgers and boogerballs was enough to make anyone’s stomach turn, but Nadia’s creative mind continued to spin out hilarious scenarios.

Mickey Mouse Joins the Fun

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any stranger, Nadia introduced Mickey Mouse into the conversation—of course, my attempt at voicing Mickey was far from perfect, but entertaining nonetheless.

Nadia: I gave him a booger burger.
Mickey Mouse: You gave your daddy a slimeburger?
Nadia: One hundred and one million dollars for a booger burger.
Mickey Mouse: Are you out of your mind?

Even Mickey Mouse decided to go on strike for more money at Disneyland, which sparked even more humorous dialogues.

The Verdict on Strikes

The ride concluded with some thoughts about strikes and friendships.

Mickey Mouse: Should I bring Tom? (from Tom and Jerry)
Nadia: Maybe you wanna Jerry?
Mickey Mouse: Jerry is my mate, my mouse mate.
Nadia: Clean up the floor, Jerry.
Mike’s Alter Ego: Hi, I’m Jerry. What’s your business? What do you want, my darling?
Nadia: I want you to become friends with me now.

Despite all the imaginative detours, Nadia’s wisdom shone through when she suggested that hugs might just be the solution to strikes. Whether it’s bus drivers wanting to go bowling, or animated characters debating friendship, Nadia’s backseat conversations bring a delightful, whimsical twist to our daily routine.


Finally, we arrived at the school, and the adventure ended with Nadia’s fascinating insights about school greetings and CityCats, an amusing vehicle incident we witnessed.

Nadia: Mommy’s scared of CityCats, but this one is leaking. I think he has a problem. Do you see that?
Mike: Well, this morning’s drive was full of fun and imagination. Time for school, my darling!

At Mike’s Mind, we cherish these special moments of wit and wonder with our children. Nadia’s imaginative responses remind us to see the world with a child’s perspective. Strikes for bowling, booger burgers, and Mickey Mouse going on strike—our morning drive was anything but ordinary!

Join us again for more snippets of our daily amusements, because who knows what Nadia will come up with next! Until then, keep laughing and embrace the charm of childlike Kopfkino!

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