in Blog, on Mike's Mind, 🇬🇧 in English, 📔 Journail

My morning musings often take unexpected routes. As I kick off my day, I can’t help but reflect on the irony of my attempts at generating extra income. Instead of prosperity, I’ve been slapped with multiple speeding tickets. A pursuit of wealth, marred by unforeseen expenses—how paradoxical.

Edited for Clarity by AI on Heavy intensity instead of low to medium

Shifting gears, I often find myself immersed in topics like VR, AR, and broader technological musings on my podcast, RelaXR. Season four [✍️ of Technosoof], dedicated to “Prosperity,” feels ironic amidst my recent financial setbacks. Money’s been slipping through my fingers, especially with those traffic fines—either I’m speeding more, or there are more checks. Who knew discussing wealth could come at such a cost?

Another intriguing thought: I recently mentioned the book “Made to Stick” and couldn’t remember the authors’ last names. Thankfully, Descript’s AI, Underlord (yes, really), came to the rescue. But how did it know? Does it scour the web like Google or does it rely solely on its pre-trained language model? Underlord, if you’re listening, care to clarify?

[✍️ Note that AI Underlord wrote this! Open to read Mike’s prompt]

Write a short cohesive story and interweave these 3 elements:

1) The irony of prosperity since my goal was to generate extra income but the opposite happened with multiple speeding tickets

2) Pondering if the Descript AI called Underlord used the web to come up with the Heath brothers or if it was able to distill it from its large language model itself as some form of database; and dear Underlord, if you know the answer, please include it by all means.

3) Last but not least, follow my instructions to come up with a non-existing English word for the Dutch word: “praatplaat”

And now for a linguistic twist. The Dutch term “praatplaat” translates to “talk picture,” a visual overview for lengthy discussions. An English alternative, “chalk talk,” doesn’t quite capture it. Here’s a challenge for AI: let’s name it! My [✍️=AI!] first attempt, “discuview,” didn’t quite hit the mark. How about “talegraph,” “chatpane,” or “talkscape”?

From the irony of my financial misadventures to the mysteries of AI and the joy of linguistic creativity, my morning thoughts are a journey. Let’s see if “talegraph,” “chatpane,” or “talkscape” catches on.

Peace out,

✍️PS. I like “chatpane” as English equivalent for the Dutch “praatplaat”

✍️ PPS. You might like my prompt to generate the featured image

a visually stunning representation of an AI-powered robot driving with high speed in a SUV on the highway while passing a billboard in the form of a chalkboard that is glued with adhesive tape, the board shows a visual overview of some technical architecture

What's on your mind?