in Blog, on Mike's Mind, šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ in English, šŸ“” Journail

Ever felt like your mind is a whirlwind of ideas that just won’t sit still? That’s me today. As I navigate through my musings on AI, journa[i]ling, and fatherhood, letā€™s dive into the thoughts swirling around my head this fine September 2nd, 2024.

Mikeā€™s voice recording that was the input for AI to write this ā€˜journailā€™ entry

A Morning of Musings on Journaling with AI

All right, guys, [and yes] Iā€™ve noticed “guys” has become my go-to opening phrase, but I genuinely hope my audience is more diverse. My thoughts today began with the concept of “journail”, a term I coined to blend journaling and email [podcasting, no idea why AI wrote email here] with a sprinkle of AI magic. This journail is my latest creative endeavorā€”a unique fusion of daily podcasts and AI-generated writings that arenā€™t just transcriptions but more like generative AI stories brimming with musings and random thoughts.

My experiment aims to create entries that are time-efficient yet insightful, making the process less time-consuming than traditional blogging or podcasting. Unfortunately, the current bottleneck lies in transcription being available only on desktop apps, leaving my mobile capabilities hanging. I aim to simplify this process, and ironically, as I ponder this at 8:30 AM, Iā€™m reminded of my morning meeting with the Portfolio Management team.

As my morning unfolds, I’m brainstorming the potential of journail further. How can I keep the AI-generated content raw yet meaningful? One idea is to mark the text I edit or add in brackets or as post scripts to preserve the authenticity of the AIā€™s work. However, an impending busyness at work threatens to disrupt my daily journaling. Tomorrow, Iā€™ll spend four hours in the carā€”plenty of time for recording but not transcribing.

From Concept to Domain:

My excitement about Journail doesn’t fade. I’ve registered the domain, envisioning a mobile app that makes daily journailing seamless. Missing a day wouldnā€™t be an issue, as AI could generate a fun, fictive account of that day, offering us inspiration for when life seems blank.

The vision extends to a mobile app that could transcribe, generate entries, and even post them to platforms like WordPress and Spotify with a single button. However, Iā€™m not a programmer, but I dream big. Perhaps a mobile app that consolidates all my content, from blog posts to podcasts, under one roof isn’t too far-fetched.

Nurturing Bonds: Father-Daughter Routine

My musings often drift to personal life, emphasizing routines I cherish with my daughter. Every night before bed, I ask her what she’s most proud of, ensuring she recognizes her own small achievements. We discuss mistakes, reinforcing that it’s okay to err and learn. Finally, we talk about helping others, be it through sharing laughs or lending a hand. This nightly ritual solidifies core values that I find essential for anyoneā€™s growth.

AI ImprovementĀ w/ Descript’s Studio Audio

Technical musings also pepper my thoughts. Descriptā€™s Studio Audio feature is a godsend, polishing my recordings made in less-than-ideal conditionsā€”like my car. Dreaming of an all-in-one mobile app fortified with Descript’s capabilities tantalizes my mind. Iā€™m an ardent user, not affiliated with the company, but simply an admirer who sees the potential to evolve content creation.

Unplanned Presenting and Legacy Building

Today, work required an impromptu presentation at [day one of] summer school. Despite my mixed feelings about public speaking, the opportunity to discuss Microsoft Copilot was exhilarating. The manager [organizer] placed me last, entrusting me to elevate the roomā€™s energy. I embraced transparency, admitted my last-minute preparation, and delivered, even injecting humor to ease the audience.

Interestingly, todayā€™s reflections tap into a broader aspirationā€”building a legacy. I’ve dreamt of writing a book, delivering a TED talk, and supporting my wifeā€™s ambitions as an activist lawyer. Her story is profound, touching on human rights and justice, and Iā€™m eager to help her share it through her podcast, “The New World Legal [NWL] Show.”

Tying It All Together

My mind races from tech innovations to deep personal values, making this journail entry a melting pot of thoughts. The potential of an AI-enhanced journail, my dedication to nurturing my daughterā€™s growth, my admiration for tools like Descript, and the spontaneous creativity required at work all intertwine, weaving the fabric of my day.

Thank you for joining me on this exploratory journey through my thoughts. How do your musings shape your day? Iā€™d love to hear your own ramblings and reflections.

Cheers to more inspired days,

What's on your mind?