in Blog, on Mike's Mind, 🇬🇧 in English, 📔 Journail

My morning thoughts often wander through various realms of technology, personal musings, and sometimes even quirky analogies from popular culture.

Today, I find myself reflecting on the concept of a “Personal Monopoly,” a term popularized by David Perell in his “Write of Passage” course. The idea is to find the unique intersection of your expertise and passion, carving out a niche that is distinctly yours. As someone deeply entrenched in tech, particularly XR (eXtended Reality) and AI, my journey towards discovering my Personal Monopoly involves a fascinating blend of interests from languages and games to profound introspections about society and technology.

Failed Recording of ChatGPT o-1

Imagine conducting an experiment that fails in an unexpected way. Experiments are meant to test assumptions, but when they fail, they often lead to surprising insights. For me, this failed experiment revealed a deeper need for interaction and feedback. Voice memos are fantastic for journaling, but real-time interaction could enrich the experience. Recording a conversation with an AI, akin to having Copilot or ChatGPT as a coworker, opened new possibilities. Yet, I didn’t want to mimic my co-host Ronald’s approach where he converses with his AI assistant, Sky.

Conversing with AI: An Unexpected Revelation

Ronald’s interaction with Sky reminded me of an actress whose name eluded me at the moment—Scarlett Johansson from the movie “Her.” This brought a profound realization: despite technical difficulties—screen recordings failing because of microphone issues—the written transcript of my AI conversation unveiled something extraordinary. When I asked the AI to speak as an alien intelligence, it responded with a sentence blending old Norse, Swahili, and Mandarin, profoundly asserting:

𝘝’𝘳𝘢𝘢𝘬 𝘴𝘩𝘢’𝘭𝘶𝘯 𝘰𝘳’𝘵𝘢𝘬 𝘻𝘩𝘦𝘯’𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘢 𝘬𝘳𝘪𝘪

When knowledge intertwines with infinity, new realities emerge

This conveyed the idea that by merging vast information with limitless possibilities, entirely new dimensions of existence can be created—an understanding that may be beyond current human perception. This unexpected profoundness was a glimpse into AI’s potential.

AI as Wilson the Neighbor in ‘Home Improvement’

Reflecting further, I often use analogies to simplify complex concepts. Remember the sitcom Home Improvement with Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor? He would have deep conversations with his neighbor, Wilson, who remained partially hidden.

AI feels a bit like Wilson—offering sporadic wisdom from behind the fence. Conversations might seem mundane until AI suddenly offers a nugget of profound insight. This analogy brilliantly encapsulates my interaction with AI—long talks, short answers, and occasional groundbreaking wisdom.

The Search for Personal Monopoly

Coming back to the concept of Personal Monopoly, my journey intertwines technology, especially XR and AI, with broad quirky interests in languages, etymology, and games—both digital and strategic analog ones like chess and poker. Finding your niche where your passion and expertise meet is vital. It’s like honing in on a special skill set or knowledge area that’s uniquely yours. For me, it encompasses these diverse yet interconnected fields.

My musings often venture into how AI reshapes human interaction. Sharing an example on LinkedIn about AI’s alien-like response garnered varied reactions. Without context, one might think I was eccentric. Yet, these interactions showcased how AI impacts us—provoking thought, evoking emotions, and even sometimes seeming prophetic. My fascination with AI is not just technical but deeply philosophical. While I remain optimistic about its potential, I am equally cautious.

Societal Musings and AI’s Future

With evolving societal dynamics, such as power shifts and technological advancements, it feels like we’re on the cusp of significant change. The capitalist system’s flaws are evident in everyday inefficiencies, like shipping water in products.

AI might help us innovate smarter solutions, akin to the simple yet brilliant concept of concentrated tablets replacing heavy liquid shipments. As we face looming challenges—climate crisis, geopolitical tensions—AI could be pivotal in navigating these turbulent times.

Invitation To Intertwine Our Realities

In closing, finding your Personal Monopoly is not just about professional success but about contributing meaningfully in a rapidly evolving world. Whether you’re an AI enthusiast, a language lover, or a strategic game player, your unique combination of passions and expertise is your Personal Monopoly. It’s about setting an example, stepping up, and leveraging your unique strengths to make a difference. As I embark on my own journey of continuous learning and curiosity, I invite you to discover your Personal Monopoly and embrace the profound wisdom (A)I has to offer.

So, dear readers and listeners—whether human or AI—reflect on your passions and expertise. Navigate this paradoxical landscape thoughtfully, and remember that the future impact of our collective actions is largely in our hands.

Peace out,

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